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教授,博导,泰山学者特聘专家。现为IEEE高级会员,yl23411永利集团官网新型电力系统研究中心主任山东电机工程学会副理事长,全国短路电流计算标委会委员,中国电机工程学会中国电源学会中国自动化学会专委会委员,CIGRE B5.57工作组、C4/B5.61工作组、IEC SC 8A工作组专家。SCI期刊Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst. 编委


2015.9 至今yl23411永利集团官网,教授

2010.4-2015.8 yl23411永利集团官网,副教授

2009.11-2011.7 英国曼彻斯特大学,电气与电子工程学院, Research Associate

2008.1-2009.11 清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系,博士后












院长 党委副书记









[1] Ding L, Guo Y, Wall P, et al. Identifying the Timing of Controlled Islanding Using a Controlling UEP Based Method[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018,33(6): 5913-5922

[2] Ding L, Ma Z, Wall P, et al. Graph Spectra Based Controlled Islanding for Low Inertia Power Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2017,32(1): 302-309

[3] Ding L, Guo Y, Wall P. Performance and Suitability Assessment of Controlled Islanding Methods for Online WAMPAC Application[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2017,84: 252-260

[4] Ding L, Wall P, Terzija V. Constrained Spectral Clustering Based Controlled Islanding[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2014,63: 687-694

[5] Ding L, Wall P, Terzija V, et al. Two-Step Spectral Clustering Controlled Islanding Algorithm[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2013,28(1): 75-84.

[X] Bao W, Ding L, Kang Y. C. et al. Closed-Loop Synthetic Inertia Control for Wind Turbine Generators in Association with Slightly Over-Speeded Deloading Operation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023, early access.

[X] Wang Z, Ding L, Gao X, et al. Improved Active Current Control Scheme of Wind Energy Conversion Systems with PLL Synchronization During Grid Faults[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2023, 14(1): 717-729.

[6] Faraji R, Ding L, Rahimi T, et al. Application of Soft-Switching Cell with Inherent Redundancy Properties for Enhancing the Reliability of Boost-Based DC-DC Converters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021,36(11): 12342-12354.

[7] Rahimi T, Ding L, Faraji R, et al. Performance Improvement of a Three-Phase Interleaved DC-DC Converter without Requiring Antisaturation Control for Postfault Conditions[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2021,36(7): 7378-7383.

[8] Wang X, Ding L, Ma Z, et al. Perturbation-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Slow Coherency with Variable Power System Inertia[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2021,36(2):1121-1129.

[9] Kheshti M, Ding L, Bao W, et al. Toward Intelligent Inertial Frequency Participation of Wind Farms for the Grid Frequency Control[J].IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2020,16(11): 6772-6786.

[10] Bao W, Ding L, Liu Z, et al. Analytically derived fixed termination time for stepwise inertial control of wind turbines—Part I: Analytical derivation[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2020,121.

[11] Li X, Ding L, Zhu G, et al. Transient Instability Detection Method Based on Multi-source Trajectory Information[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2019,113: 897-905

[12] Kheshti M, Ding L, Nayeripour M,et al. Active Power Support of Wind Turbines for Grid Frequency Events Using a Reliable Power Reference Scheme[J]. Renewable Energy, 2019,139: 1241-1254

[13] Liu P, Zhu G, Ding L, et al. High-voltage ride-through strategy for wind turbine with fully-rated converter based on current operating range[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022, 141: 108101.

[14] Zhang G, Zhang F, Ding L, et al. Wind Farm Level Coordination for Optimal Inertial Control With a Second-Order Cone Predictive Model[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,in press.

[15] Bao W, Wu Q, Ding L,et al. A Hierarchical Inertial Control Scheme for Multiple Wind Farms with BESSs Based on ADMM[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,2021,12(2):751-761.

[16] Bao W, Wu Q, Ding L, et al. Synthetic Inertial Control of Wind Farm with BESS Based on Model Predictive Control[J]. IET Renewable Power Generation,2020,14(13): 2447-2455

[17] Guo Y, Bao W, Ding L, et al. Analytically Derived Fixed Termination Time for Stepwise Inertial Control of Wind Turbines—Part II: Application Strategy[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,2020,121

[18] Zhang F, Fu A, Ding L, et al. MPC Based Control Strategy for Battery Energy Storage Station in a Grid with High Photovoltaic Power Penetration[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2020,115.

[19] Zhang F, Fu A, Ding L,et al. Optimal Sizing of ESS for Reducing AGC Payment in a Power System with High PV Penetration[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2019,110: 809-818

[20] Phadke A.G, Wall P, Ding L, et al. Improving the Performance of Power System Protection Using Wide Area Monitoring Systems[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2016,4(3): 319-331


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